origami: Y. Akira’s butterfly variation by Fátima Granadeiro

Fátima Granadeiro is a portuguese origamist; she was of the first in Portugal and has done much to this art through the years here! Actually she was recently awarded by the japanese ambassador in Portugal :)

Fátima Granadeiro butterfly (variation of YOSHIWA Akira’s butterfly)

She has done, among other models, a variation of (吉澤章) YOSHIZAWA Akira’s butterfly. In the last meeting of “Amigos do Origami” (translated as origami friends) she has explained how to do it. After 2 days, however, I had some trouble recollecting how it was done… I had to make two butterflies to make a “decent” one. So, I decided to make a diagram and since I’ve done i might as well share it…
Here it is the nice butterfly. Hope you enjoy :) This butterfly is folded better with double faced paper: be it two different colours, two different patterns or such… With the same coulour on both sides the butterfly won’t shine that much. This wasn’t supposed to be in the origami goodies but since I’ve gone to the trouble, not that much actually, of making it… The format is for viewing only! Unless you have a plotter, that is… And since I’m repeating myself I’ll just shut up… ;)

Oh, somewhat important note: at step 17 if don’t crease well the butterfly will be with a more rounded and 3D shape. Since I barely used text in the diagram, any doubts refer to Yoshizawa’s butterfly: they are very alike! Any more doubts? Ask me!

PS: As soon as I get my pc running without errors and with some decent programs I’ll “upgrade” this pdf file… If you saw the original file, it is so much more prettier than this one :(

PS2: contrary to what I’ve posted before I have now decided to post the origami goodies/ diagrams not at once. Since I am quite busy, and slow too, I believe this is for the best. Now, go try to fold these diagrams! After that say something :) I will love to see your origami! :D

edit: this butterfly isn’t, after all, a butterfly variation of Y. Akira; it wasn’t created with that purpose in mind, it just turned out like that… Refer to the apology post for more details…

6 Responses to “origami: Y. Akira’s butterfly variation by Fátima Granadeiro”

  1. isabel tomás Says:

    Nice! Obrigada.

  2. Isa Says:

    Também pus no fórum :D
    Pensei que seria bom partilhar o diagrama para não se ficar a “anhar” com um pedaço de papel nas mãos a querer fazer a borboleta…

  3. Paula Lacerda-Gafner Says:

    Que bom este surpreendente encontro! É sempre delicioso, saber das fantásticas prestações que os portugueses deixam no mundo! Parabéns Fátima Granadeiro!!

  4. Eduard Tara Says:

    Dear Origami Friends,

    We are honored if you will participate at our Origami Peace Tree Festival
    with your works.
    The purpose of our origami festival and of the origami conference is to show
    to the Romanian people (teachers and parents especially) and to the Romanian
    mass-media that origami is more than a waste of time for children.
    Your origami experience can help us to reach this purpose and we really
    appreciate if you have the pleasure to participate at our activities even
    from far away.
    We remind you that the deadline for sending your models is 15th of October,
    postmarked. You can reread the rules on the site of the host, “Miron Costin
    Highschool” from Iasi, Romania:
    http://www.licmcostin.ro/origami-en.html (click on Guidelines)
    At Univers Origami you will find the informations about of our origami
    conference. We invite you to participate and we wait for your works.

    All the best from Romania!
    Eduard Tara
    PS. We are grateful to you if you could spread the news.

  5. Daniels Says:

    hi. i’m a rooky in this kind of art. but a simple cuestion. Which is the size of the paper that you use for this butterfly?

  6. Isa Says:

    I used 15x15cm (almost 6×6″) of regular copy paper and also origami paper. If you use copy paper this is a good size… You can use bigger paper but smaller only if you have thin paper! ;)

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